Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tool 8.1 CARE Model: Planning Tool

Identify Concerns that must change (look to the future)
(Assign points to concerns from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1.  The biggest concern at my campus that is crucial for maintaining school improvement is to satisfy the new AYP state requirements (87%) in reading.
2.  The next issue that must change in order to sustain school improvement is rigor in the classroom.
3.  Teacher cooperation and fidelity is the last area of concern that must change for the benefit of student success and school improvement.

Identify Affirmations that must be sustained (look to the present)
(Assign points to affirmations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1. A positive aspect at our campus is teacher and administrative commitment to increase student achievement.
2.  Teachers at the campus frequently engage in collaborative planning.  This is important and must be sustained throughout 3rd through 5th grades to maintain improvement.
3.  The district/campus is data driven.  This policy must be sustained to monitor and adjust instruction based on campus needs.

SMART Recommendations that must be implemented:
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely) (Assign points to recommendations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important recommendations to implement.)
1.  The campus will meet AYP requirements in STAAR Reading (87%).
2.  Student achievement will increase in weekly reading tests and six weeks benchmarks (80% or better).
3.  Teachers will attend monthly staff development on rigorous instruction.  This will give teachers opportunities to voice concerns and misconceptions.  The staff development will also serve as a support session for teachers that need further assistance.

EVALUATE – Specifically and Often (Identify the best ways to evaluate the implemented recommendations.)
1.  Walk-throughs /Teacher Observations- Walk-throughs will be conducted weekly by principal and supervisor.  I will conduct teacher observation once a month.
2.  Weekly Reading Exams/ Six Weeks Exams- Teachers will analyze AEIS Report to determine students’ areas of concern.
3.  Collaborative Meetings- Monthly meetings will be scheduled to discuss concerns and research progress.
4.  Teacher Surveys/Interviews- Surveys and Interviews will determine if further staff development is necessary for some teachers.  I will make revisions in my research based on classroom observations.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,

    I am impressed to see the thought that you put into the CARES model. Regarding you 2nd SMART recommendation, I appreciate the exactness of the thing you are going to measure. I think this will help when it comes to really understanding whether or not the things being implemented are successful. The more detailed our data is and can be, the more beneficial I think we will find our plans to be.
